Care Management

Your Bridge To Independent Living

A hot lunch. A grab rail for your bathroom. Completing an application for an apartment.

These simple things can make a significant difference in your life and help you to continue to live independently.

The Care Management Options Program works with you to plan your care. An Options Care Manager will help you better understand the array of services and resources available right in your own community based on your individual needs.

Your Care Manager can arrange for in-home support, such as: nutritious meals, assistance with your personal care, skilled counseling, house and yard work, transportation to doctors’ visits, or the reassurance of a personal emergency response system.

Your Care Manager will continue to guide your care and respond to any changes to your circumstances. The ongoing service has one goal: to be your bridge to independence.

Your entry into the Care Management Program begins with a visit from a Delaware County Officeof Services for the Aging (COSA) staff member, who assesses your care needs and eligibility. If referred to Options, an Options Care Manager will look forward to working with you.

Your ability to live comfortably in the best place possible—your home— is just a simple step away. Call to learn more.

For more information on the Care Management Program, please call Trindy Grundy, Associate Director at (484) 534 2050 or

Other resources you may find useful:

Benefits Check Up